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NAGYON JÓ erotikus masszázs beszámoló


Normál hirdető


Beküldve: 2023-10-13 15:54:24

Az író prémium előfizetéssel látható
Képek száma:
Valós tartalmú ELLENŐRZÖTT beszámoló

Ha írsz prémium napokat kapsz!
A hirdető még nem reagált a beszámolóra.

Beszámoló Kendra +36301011255 119562 erotikus masszázs

DiosCsiga a 2023-10 hónapi randiján történteket írta meg Kendra hirdetővel
csodás cicik
csodás csók
végtelenül kedves
SMS kommunikáció:
Contacted the handler (the girls here do not handle their own phones) around 12:30 and asked if Kendra was available in the afternoon. I was surprised to receive an "igen" because often it is hard to get an appointment on short notice there. In fact, the person handling scheduling asked if I could come at 13:40 instead of 14:00. I guess they had a guest leaving at 13:30 and just wanted to be more efficient. Everything was clear and went easily.

One slight issue I've had here in the past is that I often just directly signal the bell rather than SMS-ing when I arrive. I think this confuses them (even though they have to let you in). So, to avoid having the handler think you may be a no-show, it is good to write them a note when you get there---even though they have already told you the bell number and will have to let you in. That way they don't mark your number as a no-show.
Egyértelmű a cím:
It's easy to find. I just walk there, but there are tons of public transportation option.
Egyezés a hirdetéssel:
Hely diszkréció:
Randi helyszíne:
I had some confusion in the bathroom. There was no mouthwash bottle or paper cups or brushes. All that was there was a plastic cup with a small amount of mouthwash and a tube of tooth-paste. I didn't know if the mouth-wash in the cup was fresh and was there for a guest to use or if it was just left over from the last guest. (They used to have a mouthwash bottle with cups).
I decided to trust that it was clean and put out for me. Still, it does not seem very sanitary.

I did see another guest as I was coming out of the bathroom, but it was just a random thing that happens occasionally. He was coming in from his bathroom as I was leaving mine.
Kendra külseje
The pictures represent reality. Kendra has a very, very nice figure. [I could hardly keep my hands off her!]
Her face did not match my tastes, but it matches the pictures and this is all subjective. I have nothing to complain about.
Her boobs truly are amazing.
She has had work done on her lips, but I've found that that makes them more fun to kiss, so I don't mind.
1. Kendra +36301011255 beszámoló Budapest 119562 erotikus masszázs
3. Kendra +36301011255 beszámoló Budapest 119562 erotikus masszázs4. Kendra +36301011255 beszámoló 2023-10-16 09:20:39 erotikus masszázs 1195625. Kendra +36301011255 beszámoló 2023-10-16 09:20:39 erotikus masszázs 1195626. Kendra +36301011255 beszámoló 2023-10-16 09:20:39 erotikus masszázs 119562
Erotikus masszázs
Note that I primarily spoke Hungarian during the encounter. Kendra does know some English. I think she knows enough to take care of English speaker who know know Hungarian, but I think it was easier for us to communicate in Hungarian (even though mine is not great).

One general observation is that Kendra is EXTREMELY adaptable and kind---she really wants to please and take care of people. Even little things, like adjusting the pillow and making sure I was comfortable. She has a wonderful attitude. (Nagyon kedves!!)

She started to massage me, and I mentioned that I primarily like the cuddling and kissing. Then she did something pretty amazing... she immediately stopped and suggested that I massage her! She put lotion on her tits.

This was 100% fine for me. I started massaging her, including giving lots of love to her amazing boobs. Based on my experience, I think she really likes having her tits played with and squeezed. I joked about this: "Facsart mellek" She laughed. I also massaged her belly and legs. There was also a fair amount of kissing.

Kendra is good at kissing. She is willing to give long, gf-tongue kisses and I liked sucking on her puffy lips. Some girls don't really want to kiss much. They will tend to start sucking your cock early rather than kiss. But Kendra was not like that. We kissed a bunch, and she does it well!

Anyways, next she turned over and I continued to massage her back. I also started massing her legs more and touching inside her panties a bit. [At this point she was still wearing panties, but that was it.] She said she liked how I massaged her. Then I said "my turn" and lay down next to her. At this point we went back to kissing and fondling each other. I went inside her panties and began fingering her clit and occasionally diving into her wet pussy. It felt nice to be inside her wetness, but I did not get the impression that she was really liking it. I think she really likes her nipples played with. At one point I tried switched to licking her clit while squeezing both of her boobs (one in each hand), and she did seem to like that.

Next she indicated that I should lay on top of her. I think this was again to increase the boob play. So I got on top of her and kissed her while squeezing her tits and playing with her nipples. I then pulled off her panties and got back on top of her. (I was not erect, so there was no risk of accidental acts. Just to be clear, no intercourse is allowed, just as indicated on the data sheet.) She trusted me and we lay like that a while.
Barátnő feeling:
Hozzállás, kezdeményezőség:
Kézi kényeztetés:
Natúr francia (előjátékként):
We had been laying sideways kissing each other while fondling. She was pumping my cock with her and and I indicated that it would be a good time for Francia. She moved down to being sucking.

Kendra is very good at giving blowjobs (aka "French"). No teeth, and she really applies a nice amount of suction. It was quite pleasant. I had trouble getting hard (probably too much self-abuse the night before), but that was not her fault. She did great and was really concerned about me. I told her not to be. We eventually reached success with a little help from my hand.
The extras that are possible are Kiss, Cum-in-mouth, and butt pampering. I opted for the first two. They are totally worth it. Kendra is a great kisser and gives a great blowjob!
A randi másfél órás volt, és az ajándék 34 virágszálból álló csokor volt.
(A 2023-10 hónapi randin tapasztalt, a vendég által megadott információ, ami az adott randira vonatkozik, és iránymutatásra szolgál. Pontos feltételekről mindig egyeztess a hirdetővel.)

A hirdető a virágszálak számát prémium vendég előfizetéssel csak prémium vendégekenek szeretné megmutatni.
The big things (for me) about Kendra are:
-- She is really kind and accommodating. We spent so much of our time kissing and caressing because that is what I said I liked. She was willing to completely remove the massage part of the program from the beginning.
-- She is a great kisser!
-- She has amazing tits and likes to have them be played with.
-- She really does blowjobs well, with good suction. Exceptionally good!

She is really kind and careful about her guest. She coughed a bit but was always sure to cover her face, and she adjusted the pillows or how we lay so that I was comfortable, and then she was really concerned that my cock was not responding---even after I assured her that it was not her fault. Really great attitude.

Hasznos volt a beszámoló?

Szavazz! Ettől függ, hogy az író mennyi prémium napot és pontot kap a beküldött beszámolóért. Csak rajtatok múlik!

A szavazás állását a szavazatod leadása után láthatod, hogy mások szavazata véletlenül se befolyásoljon :)

A szavazás eredményét megnézni és szavazni regisztráció után tudsz


Beszélgetés Kendra erotikus masszázs beszámolójáról

2023-10-28 10:02:15
Very nice review.
Mutasd mindet

FunkciókKendra legfrissebb beszámolói

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